
Guest Author

I write articles, tutorials, and guides about survival video games that I enjoy to play.

My formats

My focus is the German-speaking audience, but I can also translate into English — not on a native speaking level, but without mistakes.

Guides and Tutorials

When you are in a survival situation, it is necessary to learn techniques that have been forgotten in the civilized world.

Even in survival video games, it is useful from time to time to acquire knowledge on how to survive certain situations. 

I provide this knowledge in short guides in the form of tips and tricks. Or I create longer tutorials if you want to delve into the depths of the game.

Spoilers. I always try to be very responsible with spoilers. People looking for help online want answers, but I don’t want to spoil their fun. Sometimes I offer different levels of spoilers in a guide.

→ Example here


I can also cover news formats, but honestly, I prefer to go into depth.


If a member of the development team takes time for an interview, I am very pleased.

In principle, interviews can also be conducted in writing. In my experience, it gives more depth and is more valuable for the readers if you talk via Skype, Zoom, or phone.

→ Example here


I like to create concrete support stuff for survivors to take with them on their journey into a dangerous situation. 

In the past, I have created or translated into German some in-game maps.

→ Example here

In the future, I plan to create some “cheat sheets” for survival games to print out or have as a PDF on a second screen.

My publication list as a guest author



The biggest online magazine for survival- and horror-video games in German language.

→  Author profile

Video gaming magazine with a mixture of guides, reviews, tutorials, and news for a German-speaking audience.

Author profile

My contribution

Total visits

My contribution

Total visits

Selected articles

(Most in German language)

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